Discharge Permit Unit
The Discharge Permit Unit, DPU, is an entity within the Water Services Corporation that enforces the national Sewer Discharge Control Regulations, S.L. 545.08. This is a joint effort between WSC and commercial entities to control the levels of industrial contaminants entering the sewer system through permitting, inspections, monitoring, and enforcement.
Residential Premises
Industrial Entities
Wastewater Carriers
You can help
Households are expected to observe the local legislation pertaining to discharges into sewer, S.L. 545.08 as stipulated in the WSC Customer Contract. This is of vital importance to make sure that the public sewer network managed by the Water Services Corporation is kept in good working condition to keep serving the Maltese public.
Did you know that WSC spends about € 3 Million per annum on clearing of blockages and cleaning of waste water pumping stations?.
•Do not flush wipes / earbuds / sanitary towels down the toilet;
•Do not pour waste cooking oil down the drain;
•Do not use under-sink food macerators (wipe plates/dishes before washing)
•Do not pour aggressive chemicals down the drain such as caustic soda and hydrochloric acid;
•Do not dispose of waste paints or thinners to sewer;
•Any waste lubrication oils must be collected and disposed of at appropriate receiving facilities;
•Rain water runoff should be stored in a well or directed to road surface and not discharged to sewer
Planning Applications inititial vetting / Clearances
The WSC forms part of the consultation process adopted by the Planning Authority. Residents applying for a PA permit and also for a Compliance Certificate at the PA will be asked to obtain the relevant clearances by the WSC. If you require clearance for a permit of a residential nature from WSC you can send a formal request to the following email address: region.consultations@wsc.com.mt.
Kindly submit a site plan and also plans relating to the internal sewer and stormwater runoff systems.